Weekend Reading List #102 – Week of 12/13

Hello and welcome to the weekend reading list edition #102. 


The NYJavaSIG is taking a break in December, but we are planning for 2022. If you follow the group on Twitter, you will soon be notified about our following events. Happy Holidays!


The hottest topic of the week has to be Log4J. To understand the problem, the cause, and the solution, look at Microsoft’s response.

Twelve Days of Java

Sharat Chander started the twelve days of Java thread. Day 1 was about JUG’s, day 2 Java conferences, day 3 OpenJDK, and you can follow the action on Twitter


JITWatch is a log analyzer and visualizer for the HotSpot JIT compiler created by Chris Newland. To learn more about it, visit the project page on GitHub.

AWS IoT Greengrass

This video from Michael Dombrowski shows how to get started with AWS IoT Greengrass.


The Manchester JUG hosted Kevin Wittek, who talked about Testcontainers. The recording is available on YouTube.

If you want to see your article featured here, reach out to me on Twitter or here on the blog.

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