Weekend Reading List #72 – Week of 5/10

Welcome to edition #72. I hope you enjoy it!


The NYJavaSIG had a great event yesterday, May 13th, about JBang with Max Andersen. If you couldn’t attend, the recording is available on the NYJavaSIG Youtube channel. Still in May, the NYJavaSIG will have a Hands-on-Workshop. Stay tuned.

Java Performance And Instrumentation

We all know the high-quality of Ben Evans content, and this time is no different. In his most recent video, he talks about Java performance and instrumentation for the Well-Grounded developer.

Kubernetes For The Java Developer

Article from Taruvai Subramaniam focuses on JKube – “a Maven plugin with the goal, among others, of building a Docker image and creating Kubernetes resource descriptors.”


From Mani Sarkar GitHub profile, run a docker container with DeepNetts (a DL Library, written in Java), running under the traditional Java 11 (from OpenJDK or another source) or GraalVM.

Bootiful Podcast

In the last edition of his podcast, Josh Long talks to Axon founder Allard Buijze.


Project Loom and Structured Concurrency by Cay Horstmann.

If you want to see your article featured here, reach out to me on Twitter or here on the blog.

Artigos em Português (PT-BR)

Spring Batch

O artigo da Giuliana Bezerra mostra como usar o Spring Batch para carregar dados de cache no Redis.

Você tem sugestão de artigos em Português? Gostaria de ver seu artigo divulgado aqui no blog? Envie sua sugestão pelo Twitter ou pelo blog.

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